The following policies and procedures ensure quality and outstanding services to all clients of Champion Mobile Pet Grooming. Every client is required to sign this Policy Agreement prior to any grooming services being performed.
- I do hereby entrust my pet(s) to Champion Mobile Pet Grooming for the purpose of grooming my pet(s).
- It is the owner’s responsibility to provide a healthy and groomable pet. This includes ensuring the pet has urinated and defecated prior to the grooming appointment.
- All pets must be up to date on Rabies Vaccination. A copy of the vaccination certificate/records must be provided to Champion Mobile Pet Grooming which will be kept on file. Please consult your veterinarian for their recommendation of vaccination schedule.
- Unsatisfactory pet behavior/unmanageable pets can determine whether a pet can or will be finished by the stylist. Please understand that an unmanageable pet can be dangerous to themselves and the stylist.
- Aggressive/Biting dogs will not be accepted.
- Dogs that exhibit extreme behaviors such as continuously struggling, biting, urination or defecation during the grooming process will be returned to the owner unfinished at full price.
- Pets must be healthy and be able to stand up on their own during the grooming process.
- It is a requirement that pets be on a 2 or 4 week maintenance schedule.
- Prices are non-negotiable. Payment is due at time of service. Cash or check is preferred.
- Pet owners are responsible for any and all damages by their pets. This includes damages to the mobile grooming unit and/or groomer.
- There will be an additional charge for pets with more than 6 weeks of hair growth or matted coats.
- Appointment time slots are approximate. Due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, mechanical malfunctions, traffic or extended grooming times of an earlier appointment. In such cases we will call as soon as possible to inform you of the time adjustment.
- During Winter/Summer months we reserve the right to reschedule appointments due to extreme weather conditions. This is not only to protect our mobile unit, but also for the safety of the pet and stylist. You will be notified promptly to reschedule.
- Appointments are scheduled by route.
- If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment then you must provide 48 hours prior notice. Failure to do so will result in a $40 fee per pet/appointment. For any occurrence past the initial 2 missed appointments, you will be charged the full price of the groom. Also if your pet is not available for your scheduled appointment time, the same fees apply.
- Your pet must be ready for grooming at the scheduled appointment time.
- Pet owners are not allowed in the mobile unit during the grooming process. Pet are easily distracted by the presence of “their people.”
- If you are not 100% completely satisfied with my services, please contact me within 24 hours of the appointment, and I will do my best to resolve the issue.
- Photos and/or videos may be taken of my pet before, during or after styling for use on Champion Mobile Pet Grooming’s website, Facebook page, or for any other marketing or advertising purpose.
- Owners are responsible for keeping their pets flea and tick free. If fleas or ticks are found, we will treat the pet, either with a Capstar pill, or with flea/tick shampoo and the associated additional fee will apply. If fleas are found on a pet 3 times, the pet will no longer be groomed by Champion Mobile Pet Grooming.
- If turnkey services are requested, the owner agrees to provide a safe place to leave the pet for the stylist to easily access. I also authorize Champion Mobile Pet Grooming to provide services for my pet while I am away from home.
- Severely matted pets: Every effort is made to protect your pet’s skin and coat while removing hair on a matted pet. The skin can become extremely sensitive and incur clipper marks, abrasions, rashes, nicks, itchiness or redness. Shaving extremely matted ears might also encourage head shaking causing hematomas. You, as the owner, agree to in no way hold Champion Mobile Pet Grooming responsible for any problems resulting from grooming of your matted pet. An additional de-matting fee will apply.
- I agree to hold Champion Mobile Pet Grooming harmless from damage, loss or claims arising from any known or unknown pre-existing conditions of my pet(s).
- I authorize Andrew Bernard / Champion Mobile Pet Grooming to act as my agent in the event emergency veterinarian services, boarding, care taking, and/or transportation is necessary and I agree to pay all costs.
- Any/All damages, loss or claim shall include but be limited to death, injury or shock. Said pre-existing conditions shall not be limited to advanced age, extreme nervousness, neurosis, illness, previous injury, skin or coat conditions or mental conditions.
- Champion Mobile Pet Grooming employs extensive safety and sanitary precautions to ensure your pet’s safety and health. Despite reasonable and prudent efforts, some pets may experience common side effects of the grooming process, including but not limited to: razor burn, exposure of the quick, reactions to flea treatments and de-shedding treatments, hair splinters and sharp nails (after clipping).
- By signing this agreement, you (the client) agree to relieve Champion Mobile Pet Grooming, and its agents from any and all liabilities, and/or costs associated with any veterinary care, symptoms or discomfort of your pet related to or presenting after services rendered by Champion Mobile Pet Grooming. The pursuit of any veterinary, behavioral or rehabilitation services, and the payment thereof, are the sole responsibility of the pet owner. Additionally, you agree to relieve Champion Mobile Pet Grooming and its agents from any and all liability associated with damages to person, pet or property by or relating to services rendered or service equipment used by Champion Mobile Pet Grooming and its agents.
I have read and understand my rights and obligations as written in this agreement for the services of pet grooming/styling by Champion Mobile Pet Grooming.
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Copyright © 2016 Champion Mobile Pet Grooming
All Rights Reserved.